This year at BYR we are offering six breakout classes for you to choose from. Below you will find a list of the available breakout sessions which information on who is teaching them, where they will be located, and what times they are offered. Please note that each class is offered during both sessions except Called to Ministry? and Transitioning to College (Juniors and Seniors).
BYR Breakout sessions
Patrick davis
evangelism student - nobts
Sharing Your Faith: How to Win the Many
Room 209 (Choir Room), Session 1: 7:50-8:20, Session 2:8:30-9:00
Taylor divney
director of Admissions - nobts
Responding to Loneliness From the Book of Job
Room 100, Session 1: 7:50-8:20, Session 2:8:30-9:00
Austin Lee
Biblical Conflict Management
Room 206, Session 1: 7:50-8:20, Session 2:8:30-9:00
Dr. matt james
vice president of enrollment - nobts
Discerning God's Will For Your Life
Old College Room, Session 1: 7:50-8:20
Transitioning to College (Juniors and Seniors)
Old College Room, Session 2: 8:30-9:00