We are so glad we had the opportunity to meet you and give you one of our wristbands! Below you will find more information about the four icons on your wristband. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!


      We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. - 1 John 4:16

      God Loves all people unconditionally. No matter your mistakes or what you may think of yourself, God loves you. His love is not something you can earn or deserve; there’s nothing you can do to lose it. God loves all people like a parent loves his child. Even when a child makes a mistake the parent still loves him.

    • Sin Has Divided God and Man

      For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23

      Although God loves us, we don’t always experience His love as we should. God is perfect and Holy, never doing anything wrong. Yet, the Bible teaches that no one is perfect and that just one sin, or wrongdoing, is enough to separate us from God. A human can never do enough good to outweigh even one sin. Because we are guilty of sin, we deserve punishment for our sin (death and Hell). Sin is much like a wall or an uncrossable boundary that keeps us from having a relationship with God. 

    • Jesus Is the Way

      For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16

      Although sin may be a wall we cannot climb or a valley we cannot cross, it is not too big for God. Jesus came to earth and lived a Holy and perfect life. He went to the cross, defeating sin and death. Through this act of love, He took the punishment that we deserve. He defeated death and Hell for us by rising from the grave, victorious. Jesus did what we could not do for ourselves: He broke down the wall of sin and made a way. Jesus is Hope and Forgiveness. 

    • Will I Choose to Accept the Gift?

      But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. - John 1:12

      The question now is, will you accept God’s free gift of forgiveness or will you turn away? Will you continue to try and climb the unclimbable wall by yourself; destined for Hell? Jesus is the one and only way to forgiveness for our sins and a restored, everlasting relationship with God in Heaven. 

    This is the most important decision that you will ever make. You do not know the day or the hour in which your life will end; sealing your destination forever. Don’t put off the decision to follow God believing that there may be another day, another time to do so.

    You can say this simple prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving me. I realize that I have sinned and tried to do life my own way. Thank you for sending Jesus to cover my sins. I believe that Jesus came and lived a perfect life. I believe that he died on the cross, defeated the grave and rose from the dead. I want you to come into my life. I want to live for you all my days. Amen.

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